Jobs & Volunteering

CLERKJOBDESCR2025(1).pdf THE CITY OF DOVER, MN Seeks Applications for Clerk/Treasurer Position The City of Dover is currently taking applications in the form of a resume for a part-time position estimated at 25 hours a week as the City Clerk/Treasurer. The position is posted until a qualified person is hired. The first deadline for submitting a resume is February 14, 2025, with interviews to be scheduled shortly after the deadline. The starting date will be determined by the City Council and the person hired, hoping to be fully trained by June 1st, 2025. If you would like to apply or would like more information including an official job description, please contact the City of Dover by email at The job and description are posted on our city website at The City of Dover is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Please note updated email address- if you responded to an earlier email- please respond again- thank you, City of Dover