Public Works / General Maintenance
- Rick Jones
- Call City Hall- 507-932-4314
Water & Sewer Utilities
- Marvin Ihrke - 507-269-1080
- Gary Pedersen, Clerk - 507-932-4314
Fire Department
- Fire Chief Roger Ihrke - 507-932-3842
- Fire Hall - 507-932-3384
Emergency Manager
- Jeremy Magnuson, City of Dover Emergency Manager
Building Permits
- Gary Pedersen - 507-932-4314
- Building Permits Link
- Inspection Request
- Dave Iseminger- 507-421-8721 or
Dover Dumpsite
- This site is to be used by Dover Residents only (this is not a disposal site for tree services to use). There are no set hours this season. If you need to access the site, you may pick up a key from City Hall from the City Clerk or Neighbors Pub and the Shack Bar have keys. Upon leaving the site, please lock the gate and return the key promptly to the location that you picked it up. Others may be waiting to use the key. Please remember, we do not accept limbs bigger then 4” in diameter, lumber or rocks. Rocks may be piled at the old dumpsite in Dover on the Northwest side of the snowmobile building.